
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bevy of Swans, Ploughed Fields and Statistics

The weather is very changeable at the moment, today was almost pleasantly warm up around 10C, especially when compared with the last few days. I was able to go out a little earlier today, being a Sunday and because I wanted to be home to watch the last Formula 1 Grand Prix of the season. Although I feel that the car needs to be accorded less priority in the future I am a petrolhead when it comes to F1.

As I logged my mileage for today's ride I totted up various statistics:

Distance cycled since Sep1 3200Km 2000miles
Distance using my leather Brooks saddle 2250Km 1400miles
Distance cycled since starting my blog 2110Km 1300miles
Number of photographs since Sep 1 655

The leather saddle is certainly shaping up nicely, one thing I have noticed is that it is takes a little longer to "fit" when sat on, on the almost freezing days when compared with today. It wasn't raining today though I did see a rainbow out on my cycle ride. It was the normal route, so that I would get back in time. I did take advantage of the light to take a few more pictures though.

Here is a bevy of swans in Swaffham Bulbeck Lode where despite the time of the year there are still green leaves on the trees. On my route I pass various crops growing in the fields, the next two photographs show fields where grass is the crop. Or rather turf which is used to provide lawns for new houses. There are plans to build large numbers of houses in the region, although the current Financial Crisis has put a lot of plans on hold. A number of building sites appear to have been virtually abandoned as the building companies cut back.

This is the same direction but picks out the silhouette of the trees at the far end. Next to the grass is a crop of sweetcorn which provides cover for the game birds. Yesterday there were signs up warning of shooting taking place.

Further on there were a few unploughed fields and I cycled along a farm track - but with all the rain it was very soggy and I stopped to take a photograph and then headed back to the tarmac roads. After yesterdays blood-letting I did not want to have any more problems, especially as I did not have my cycle helmet on.

With the sun higher in the sky as I cycled through the Wicken Fen Nature Reserve the sunlight lit up the village of Wicken Fen in the distance. As I cycle around Fens the soil colour in the fields varies from jet black to light brown. One or two fields have even got black and brown soil I am not sure what that means for crop growing.

This second shot is the same except I have zoomed in on the clouds to the right, the glow slightly pink when lit by the evening sun.

Time to start getting my gear together for the B2S ride, including getting my shorts washed. I will take washing liquid with me - cycle clothes dry quite quickly and it is easier to take a few clothes and wash them regularly than carry heaps of dirty clothing around.

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