
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hong Kong, battery problems and memory card compatibility

I have finally left London Heathrow - the plane was around an hour late in taking off, extra cargo was put on board and then there were problems with flight congestion. The flight itself was completely uneventful, although the Entertainment system was showing: "Journey to the Centre of the Ear" - I gave that one a miss, but did watch Tropic of Thunder - sorry can't really recommend it, but at least it passed the time. So 12 hours later I am sitting in Hong Kong (8 hours ahead of the UK) - the temperature is around 30C outside. It is going to be interesting cycling in this temperature.

I take pictures when on planes, here is one at 37,000 feet. Unfortunately the battery on my Small Sony camera seems to be unable to hold much charge. I tried to buy a replacement in HK airport but no luck so far. Good job I have my Canon Camera as well, but I have just found that my Laptop will not read the Canon memory cards so I am now going to look for a USB converter. If I cannot get one here then I will try in Bangkok. Normally this would not be a problem as I do not take my lap-top on real holidays just lots of memory cards, but if I can't sort it then my Blogs are going to be pretty dull without pictures.

On arrival at Hong Kong airport I went up to the Transfer desk, who because I had already checked in told me to go straight to security, when the security guard saw the strange A4 printed Boarding Pass she told to go back and get a proper one (transfer desk, not Heathrow!). Of course the queue at the transfer desk had suddenly grown huge and then when I got back to the Security check the same problem, a sudden influx of travellers. Still no problem as I do not fly for a further two hours, which is why I allowed a reasonable amount of time between the two flights (4hours). Even with late take-off and airport delays there is no problem. Thanks to the tie up between BA and various other airlines, including Cathay Pacific I am able to sit in their Business Lounge, with wi-fi and nibbles.

Must go and try to buy a USB COMPACTFlash memory card reader. The next update will be from Bangkok, all being well! I hope my luggage has also made it. As I am transferring through HK I have not had to worry about it.

PS I did load the Nokia software to allow my phone and laptop to communicate - surprisingly it all went smoothly, even using Bluetooth.

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