
Monday, February 23, 2009

One handed typing

Hiya. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer. Just the weather to go out for longer cycle rides. Well that is what I thought on Saturday, instead of my usual route through the Fens I planned on a longer route. Unfortunately as I was cycling along the road past a left turn there was a SMIDSY moment. For non-cyclists SMIDSY is an acronym for "Sorry mate I didn't see you". A car turned left without seeing me, although I was wearing a fluorescent yellow jacket and fluorescent yellow hat. It caught me side on and I got knocked to the ground. The good news is that my bicycle does not seem to have suffered major damage. Unfortunately I realised something was broken as soon as I hit the ground. My collar bone took the force of my impact with the ground. So my pleasant little spin ended much earlier than planned in the Accident and Emergency Department. The X-ray looked pretty bad, but I was warned that it was not unusual.

I go back to the fracture clinic in the week, but apparently the normal treatment is to let it mend naturally. So no cycling for the next eight to ten weeks. At the moment I have to get my food cut up for me and getting dressed is a struggle. Although I do not need painkillers during the day, I do take a couple before getting dressed. One of my daughter's friends broke her collar bone at the beginning of the year, according to her the first four days are the worst. She is now out of a sling, but feels pain if she gets hit on the shoulder.

With only one arm in action it means no cycling, no driving and no photography as you really need two free hands. So I will delay my new bike purchase and might have to postpone my cycling trip in India. Still it is not the end of the world although I must remember to eat less now I am no longer exercising. There will be fewer posts to the blog as well.

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