
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

YaNP - Yet Another non-post - the healing continues

After I was knocked off my bicycle time has changed for me. As the treatment for a broken collar bone (clavicle) is one of rest and wait and see my life has changed from one of trying to fit what I want to get done into the day to one of expanding the few things I do into the day.

Each day I still find that my healing seems to make noticeable progress, the body is pretty good at coming back from problems. However as the pain gets less and the ability to move my arm gets better I find myself coming up more and more against what I can't do. Dressing is slow but straightforward, except for my socks. I can put them on, but it takes time and so far I have only put them on twice since the accident, once for my hospital appointment, the second time because I thought I ought to. As mentioned in the last post I also walk to the local paper shop I do get a few odd looks as I wear sandals (no shoes laces) - going sockless in the winter is perhaps a trifle eccentric. My head itched and I automatically went to scratch it - the pain quickly reminded me that I would have to use the other hand, not a problem but you look slightly odd - try it sometime.

With time on my hands one thing that I do wonder about is exactly how is the bone doing and will it come together properly. At the moment the bruise around the break is huge, but the area is much less tender and I can prod it. I can feel that one side of the break is standing higher than the other. SO the question in my mind is does this matter, will it need to move back to a better alignment or will it just "glue" itself together as it is. I have been warned that it will be a bit lumpy - how lumpy is lumpy? Since the good side also feels slightly lumpy then I am not worried about lumps - as long as the bone is good for cycling again.

One other problem I have, sorry I did not mean this to be a moan, is that I am not sleeping very well or rather I wake in the morning feeling slightly headachy. I think that this means either I am not sleeping too well or that my body is washing out the bruise toxins (and there are plenty of those). Finding a comfortable position to sleep in is certainly tricky and so is moving to any other position. However I do not feel that I am waking too often in the night and after a bit of fresh air on the morning I do feel better. I must start doing a bit of walking, both for exercise and to ward off putting on too much wait. The other thing I have discovered about elastic time is that there seem to be lots more mealtimes in the day, breakfast, elevenses, lunch, mid afternoon tea and coffee, tea and supper. At this rate I will have to get a heavy duty bicycle to carry me when I am back cycling.

One bit of good news - the camera I bought to replace the one that was liberated in Vietnam is finally due to arrive this week - only three months after ordering it. It was in short supply and then a problem between my bank and the supplier seems to have delayed it even further. The first time supplies came in they tried to get payment from my credit card but the bank stalled because of fraud concerns. I then had to go round the loop getting the payment unblocked and letting the supplier know. Unfortunately the few hours delay meant that all the stock was shipped elsewhere and I had to wait for another delivery. So the Supplier did not claim payment, then after two weeks the authorisation lapsed. SO the next time stock was in they got refused by my bank again - concerns of fraud, again. So it looked as if I would once again miss out. This time although I could not phone the supplier I did use there IM facilities (Instant Messaging). It failed first time but the second time I got through and someone pushed the order through for me - a good job too as they only had one remaining camera in stock.

All being well I will be able to post a few photographs later in the week, assuming I can hold it up and take pictures with a dodgy arm.

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