
Monday, September 21, 2009

Hedgrow Slashing

As you get older I find myself becoming more and more of a GOM (Grumpy Old Man). The preponderance of bureaucracy annoys me. The way in which, in the UK, the BBC advertise the need for a TV license also irritates me - it seems to presume guilt - along the lines of we're watching you - we've got you number. No it is not a guilt complex I have a TV licence and pay for it automatically each year. Today I had to pop into London and took the opportunity to take our (son and me) Indian Visa applications in rather than post them as there have been Post Office Strike rumblings going on. I had a very pleasant lunch and then when cycling back from Cambridge Railway Station to a scenic route. This is what I saw on a hedgerow near Fulbourn.


Here is some advice on cutting hedgerows - it is Irish - but the principles are the same. It ends with the advice:

"A clean cut is required. Shattered or frayed branches can lead to decay and

disease and reduce the vigour of the hedgerow."

This hedge looks like it was hacked with a flailing chain. I realise that farmers live on very small profit margins - but surely they can afford to sharpen their cutting equipment once in a while. Apart from that it was very pleasant - I could get used to this BBQ Weather - it is coll enough that I can wear work clothes when cycling to the station without becoming a sweaty heap.

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