
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sustrans 11 Cambridge to Kings Lynn - part 3 Kings Lynn and back again

The Sustrans Route (technically 1 not 11) follows the Ouse passing under the A47 bridge and crossing the Wisbech Road continuing along to the docks are. This picture looks back (South) along the cycle path to the Wisbech Road bridge. This section of the path from the Power Station has gates to stop cars and motor cycles. When I first used to cycle along here the gates were quite thin and tricky to cycle through on a bike - they have been improved and still impede cars but are much more cycle-friendly.


The path looking through to Kings Lynn - reasonably wide - it is used by cyclists, pedestrians and dog walkers. The docks look quite run down now.


There are still fishing boats that sail from Kings Lynn though.


The next stop was the Railway Station and a snack from the Station Cafe. I like Kings Lynn Railway Station it looks how you imagine a small town station should look. It also has a well-stocked cafe with all the things you might want before heading off on your travels. In my case there was a 30minute wait for the next train. Although it was cold the station was sheltered and the sun was shining and the egg mayo and salad sandwiches from the cafe were excellent.

I hung my yellow fluorescent cycle hat to dry on my bicycle handlebars and read the newspaper. There is nothing worse than putting on a sweaty hat when setting off after a rest! This time around I had decided to catch the train back to Ely (£5.80) and then cycle the rest of the way. That way I reckoned I would get close to a trip of 80miles/128Km. I did get a bit cold whilst waiting though. I also have to resist the urge to have a nap on the train - must be a sign I am getting old. The train eventually ends up in London - I would not want to miss my stop.

Once at Ely you have to cross a very busy road cycle a short way and the re-cross it to get back onto the cycle track by the River Great Ouse. This could really do with either a short cut to avoid crossing the road at all or some form of crossing. In the rush hour it can be pretty tricky.

By now the sun was getting low in the sky and between Barway and Padney the sun had set but was lighting the clouds from below.


More hedge work seems to have taken place on Padney Drove. I am a little surprised I thought hedges were supposed to be good things - for wildlife and to prevent the soil blowing away!


On my way back I went through Wicken Fen and Burwell. In Wicken Fen I was stopped and asked whether the Stretham Road was still closed. There had been an accident near the level crossing apparently. It looked as if she had been photographing wildlife - you often see people strolling around Wicken Fen with cameras and tripods.

I also had a car pull out at me in the middle of Burwell. He did have the decency to lower his window and apologise - he hadn't seen me! Also on the road near White Fen a car with only one headlight was driving at me - it made passing quite tricky and they say that too many cyclists have dodgy lights!

The GPS worked throughout the trip and I clocked up over 80miles/128Km so a good day out. Mind you I did have a few aches and pains from the slightly different riding position on my touring bike.


  1. Hello,

    Thanks for taking the time to post this great write up.

    I am thinking about cycling this exact same route over the Easter weekend - I want to do it on my road bike so I am really curious to know if there are any gravel, or unpaved sections that I'll need to avoid?

    Many thanks,


  2. Hi Doug,

    I mainly use a touring bike with 25mm tyres - which is fine. My son has a racing bike with 20mm tyres and has had a puncture on the route. There are unpaved sections near Barway (a farm track - not too bad) about 0.5miles and then a very short section of dry mud track entering Wicken Fen and a gravel track leaving Wicken Fen - 0.2miles or so. You can avoid both - but I never do.

    Sorry I have just noticed that you cycled it over the Easter weekend - I hope it went well.

  3. Hi,

    Really useful report - I am doing the exact same thing tomorrow! Starting in Cambourne & finishing in Bircham (north Norfolk) so I hope I can manage the extra few miles either end!

    Anyway - thank you for posting. I love the NCN & I also try to photograph my trips. I can highly reccommend Derby to Oxford & Derby to York.

    Best wishes


  4. Hi,

    Really useful report - I am doing the exact same thing tomorrow! Starting in Cambourne & finishing in Bircham (north Norfolk) so I hope I can manage the extra few miles either end!

    Anyway - thank you for posting. I love the NCN & I also try to photograph my trips. I can highly reccommend Derby to Oxford & Derby to York.

    Best wishes


  5. Chris,

    Good luck and thanks for the suggestions - is it ok on a hybrid? I was thinking of Hull through to Birkenhead for a two day trip in the Summer.

    I hope the weather is not too bad.

