
Monday, May 17, 2010

An Excursion to Exning

Sunday: The weather continues to be warm enough for cycling in shorts and (cycling) sandals and a windproof top. I was not feeling particularly adventurous on Sunday, but felt like cycling on byways and tracks more than roads. So it was out along Sustrans 51 from Cambridge and then a detour when I reached Swaffham Bulbeck up along the Heath Road and then down a byway not marked on this version of the Open StreetMap - but there all the same. The track rejoins Sustrans 51 at Exning where I then head back through Exning to a byway to Burwell to join Sustrans 11 up through Wicken Fen and then down through Upware to and back on a track to Reach and then across another by-way through to White Fen. At the moment the route I take cuts back from Lode through to re-trace my Steps (should that be "pedals") from Bottisham on Sustrans 51 into Cambridge. Hopefully when they fully open Lodes Way there will be an alternate route back through to Cambridge - although the news on that front is sparse..

Exning ex MapMked.jpg

It turns out that the accident that closed the Stretham Road in Wicken on Saturday was serious, two cars were involved and both drivers ended up at Addenbrooke's Hospital, one critically injured.

I also saw a news report on the Oxfam walk - "Hundreds tackle courses for Oxfam Walk" - they had lovely weather - mind you by the time I cycled out that way I did not see anyone - they had also removed the signs as well - so a well organised tidy-up as well.

As I have recently been taking quite a few photographs in the area there was not too much new to see. I did stop on the path between Exning and Burwell (actually at the Burwell end) to take this picture of the green hill and blues skies.


I also saw another car parked at the site of the Reach Lode bridge construction. Perhaps it is the new sightseeing stop when on a "motor-tour" of the Fens? I think I must have a suspicious mind because I always feel a little worried that I might then get run off the road (actually track) as a witness to some crime or other. However if you think about it thieves would hardly drive by in broad daylight - it might be in the country but it is not that isolated.

Just down from the Reach Lode Bridge is Tubney Fen - I took a picture of the Information Board there in case I might be able to use it when I try to identify plants on my travels. At the moment the Cow Parsley (left-hand side) is growing rapidly on the roadside verges (and being chopped by). I have also seen Barn Owls at dusk out hunting. (Flying at the top of the Board).


This is Tubney Fen - you can walk across to the track (which is called Old bar Drove) and reach the Reach to Upware road called Little Fen Drove. The clouds looked dramatic but it did not rain during my ride.


From the same spot I also took a picture of the Reach Lode Bridge construction - it looks similar to the view from the other side really -as you might expect.


It also turns out that there was a beer and cider to be drunk at the 7th Wicken Beer Festival - I saw the tent but did not realise it was on - hum how did I miss that?

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