
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cycling to the Cambridge Science Park the loop way

Yesterday was a non-cycling day. I had stuff to do for most of the day and then mid afternoon just when I was thinking - right, time to get out for a spin the heavens opened. Now there are times when I will go out for a ride whatever the weather. Cycling in a gale can be quite a challenge. Yesterday was not one of those times. One of the things about being a regular cyclist is knowing when to let go and just take it easy.

I had a meeting at the Science Park today and after the bit of rain it was sunny but quite cool. The meeting was a 10am so I got to cycle out of the rush hour. Although we have better provision for cyclists than some places in the UK cycling in the rush hour is still unpleasant unless you can stay away from traffic. Unfortunately it would have been tricky finding an off-road route to the Science Park, although I suppose I could have cycled out of the city and back along the Cambridge Guided Busway (CGB).

I didn't - I cycled up the Milton Road, I did manage to get lost in the Science Park though. I went to the Companies Website and printed out the Google Map but without paying attention to the warning that the location was approximate. I then cycled around a bit wondering whether there had been some strange renumbering scheme as the address and location on the map did not tally. Fortunately with mobile phones it was not difficult to phone and get real-time directions. Although I was cut of at what was supposed the be the final turn and had to re-route. Perhaps that was karma for using my mobile phone whilst cycling.

Although I did not have oodles of time after my meeting it was lunchtime I cycled over to Mill Road and then to Newmarket Road Tescos for a sandwich, which I ate by the River.

Why did I visit Mill road - well the road has been closed to traffic for sewage repairs so I thought I would go and have a look. I cycled up form the Cambridge end and there were signs warning of the closure - but at first I wondered whether the road had re-opened. There was quite a lot of traffic and I was not until I was practically at the Perne Road end did I come across the closure. Very helpfully there were signs indicating it was open to cyclists at both ends. Here is the closure - with a cyclist diverting over the pavement. He must have been too busy reading the other signs to see the "cyclists dismount" sign.


I had my small Sony DSC W-200 camera - which the last time I had used it was programmed to take three pictures with different exposures in sequence (for use with my HDR software - Photomatix). I am not quite sure why but when I use this camera for HDR pictures they come out with a rather pastel colouration. This is the same scene as above, minus the cyclist.


After my lunchtime sandwich from Tescos (other shops are available) I cycled alongside the Cam before returning to Cambridge. had to take a picture of the Cambridge to Ely (and beyond) railway bridge reflected in the water. The shared-used path on the right-hand side is Sustrans 11 - to Waterbeach and no further. It is a pleasant run- best avoided on the weekends as it is popular with walkers. It is definitely to be avoided when there are "Bumps" taking place, unless you are there to watch them of course.

On the left-hand side is Sustrans 51 into Cambridge and up to Huntingdon. Unlike on the opposite bank there is not room under the bridge for a path along the bank, instead a small wooden bridge runs under and around the bridge. A few years back I slipped on some ice cycling along it and ended up in Casualty (and not the TV program). Fortunately they were able to glue me back together. I seemed to bruise every limb, but also ended up nutting the wooden boards and split the skin by my eyebrow.


I was going to mention how July went in terms of cycling. I cycled 20 days out of 31 - which is what I reckon to do over the year on average and I cycled 1170Km over the month and ended the month 800Km ahead of my target of 32.88Km per day. Which does not mean I will overshoot my target of 12,000Km for the year it just gives me some leeway for the times I will not be able to cycle (holidays, business trips.)

I was caught by someone I have cycled with in the past - he had just been for a 50mile /80Km ride with others on his racing bike. I am definitely getting slower - perhaps I will have to think about some sort of performance goal next year :-( The trouble is I don't cycle to race and don't plan to, that's not what I enjoy about cycling.


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