
Saturday, January 22, 2011

A few pictures in the Bath area

At the moment motoring miles seem to be winning out over cycling miles. I normally reckon, well for the last few years anyway, to cycle more miles than I drive. So far this year my driving is way more than my cycling. I know I see meetings as an excuse to get in a bit of cycling, but the recent very mild lurgy has gotten in the way a bit. I have also had to got to Bath again and this time was not able to get down a bit earlier so I wasn't able to go for a spin on my bike when I got there.

I was hoping to cycle around to see some of the Two Tunnels Greenway activity. It is a project to create a walking/cycling route from the City through to the South utilising two disused railway tunnels - hence the name. The route provides a short-cut from NCN4 through to NCN24 with the advantage of cutting out some of the hills. (This should be a Sustrans link to the map - as a Mymap.) Next time!

So instead here is a picture of the Main Railway Line running through Bath, this bit is alongside Sidney Gardens. The Kennet and Avon Canal (along which NCN4 runs towards Devizes and beyond is just a little way up the road, running in parallel to the Railway line.


There have been a few interesting snippets of news, another fly-tipper has been bought to book, I am impressed that they were able to track the tipper. The was also a lesson for all those budding astronauts - "Astronaut loses place on space shuttle after cycling accident". The article does mention that the injuries were not disclosed for medical privacy reasons - sounds like an argument with the crossbar if you ask me!

Whilst getting the pictures off my camera I also found some I had taken the last time I popped down to Bath, earlier in the month. The weather was glorious and a useful route to avoid traffic when leaving Bath is to drive through Lansdown (along the Lansdown Road). The route then travels along Freezinghill Lane and crosses the A420 onto Gorse lane and then joins the A46 just below the M4 motorway. At the junction of the A420 and Gorse Lane at an elevation of around 200m is a picnic spot where you get excellent views across towards Wales. Here is the northern Severn Bridge (the M48) one, the Southern Severn Bridge is just out of shot to the left.


This is a panoramic shot from the picnic spot. If you zoom in you can see the two bridges in the distance. As you can see it was a sunny clear day.

Toghill grove Bath.jpg

And finally data that you have not got in three places is data you don't care about is a good maxim to follow. As we increasingly rely on computers for email, pictures and music, to name but three types of stuff we might want to keep it becomes more important to consider making copies of your stuff. Personally I always like to have two copies (as well as the original) Having had a warning over Christmas with a disk showing signs of failure I have overhauled my approach a little. I replaced my main storage system, two 500Mb drives as a Raid 0 configuration providing 1 Tb of storage with 2 x 2Tb disks in a Raid 1 format to provide 2Tb of storage with one disk being maintained as a mirror of the other. This means if either fails the computer can carry on operating and give me the chance to replace the ailing drive. I also back up the data on a weekly basis. I have now added an additional step and bought a new 2Tb drive (a different and more expensive one compared with those in the computer) and created a non-Raid clone of my computer's disk drive. This means if both Raid drives die I could put the clone in and it would boot and have all my programs and data ready right away. I will still keep my weekly back ups and then every six months update my "clone". The only problem is that the cloning takes around 8 hours during which the computer is not usable. Whereas if one of the two Raid drives breaks then I can carry on using the computer and once the broken drive is replaced it gets copied in the background.

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