
Friday, February 18, 2011

Other people's photographs

Now I could embed other people's pictures within this page - it isn't difficult, but I do think that is at best a bit cheeky and at worst could be a breach of copyright. After all they have gone to the trouble of creating a page and some rely upon the advertising that appears on the page for their income. I don't put advertising into my Posts - which probably is not quite how Google would like to see things. I have though about it - just to gain a bit of experience and insight into the process. However at the end of the day I do this Blog for myself, it provides an outlet for my photography and some impetus for my cycling when it is wet or windy.

Mind you Feedjit does slip in a cheeky little advert at the bottom of the list of recent Traffic, but as long as it remains unobtrusive then I will let keep the Feedjit panel, although it seems ironic that Google gets nothing whilst Feedjit benefits and yet the Blogspot capability is what makes this Blog possible in the first place.

I use the Google Chrome browser - it is just so much faster than some of the others, however I have been using the Beta version and it had some issues with Flash causing it to crash. In the end I have resorted to a Flashblocker which then allows me to click on stuff I want to see/here - like the BBC Radio 1 iplayer. The Chrome browser has been through several iterations, but I find the flashblocker helps speed up situations where a page has loads of ads, some of which take forever to serve.

I did not get out cycling yesterday - although I did have a bounce on the trampoline - that's probably a story for another day. I am out for a meeting today so I am trying to get a quick Post in before heading off on my bike of course.

So what has caught my eye? Well there is a fantastic picture of the sun in the Mail - apparently there has been the largest solar flare in 4 years which means those in Northern Scotland might get to see the Northern Lights and we might get some power and satellite glitches. One of my "ambitions" is to take pictures of the Northern Lights.


Gilbert Road in Cambridge is now finished and gets a piece in the Cambridge News, although if you follow the link you'll see a motor scooter also taking advantage of the cycle lane. Whilst I understand the issues faced by scooters and motor bikes (they are pretty vulnerable road users) I do not favour allowing them into cycle lanes as I feel it can intimidate younger and less confident cyclists as so put off more cyclists from cycling.

The news also shows how a bicycle is no impediment to transporting a large fridge - apparently the cyclist was carrying a large fridge and was seen near Wandlebury - kudos for such a green approach (I assume he was taking the fridge to a tip) and even more kudos for cycling over the Gog Magogs (if that is what he did).

Snowdrops also made it - here is a picture of a grumpy snowdrop growing in a secret location in Cambridge!


I have to mention the Cambridge Guided Busway (CGB) as there is another monthly report being presented which basically notes lack of completion.


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