
Saturday, February 11, 2012

More snow–but less than last time

Friday, 10th February 2012: We had a bit more snow last night before the last lot had melted away, which is a bit unusual for us here in the flatlands. Here on the Cambridge DTG website you can see it on the rainfall graph for the 9th as a brief blip just after 8pm. It was not as much as the last time, but if you lot at the last link you can see that the temperature never got above freezing either. Now if you follow this link for the weather on the 10th you can see that it barely got above freezing on Friday. We did have some sunshine though.

In my experience of snow around here the best time to get some pictures is first thing as even in such frigid conditions it tends to melt away pretty quickly or at least the picturesque stuff does. So in a departure from my usual habit of cycling to fetch a paper I walked around instead and took my camera.  The road conditions weren’t a problem for cycling though, if anything it was more dangerous on the pavements than it was on the road. It did make it easier to stop and look at things though.

As you can see the traces were once again painted with a tracery of white, if anything there was more white on the trees this time than when we had the heavier snowfall.

I can’t claim that it was that early when I got up, but the sun was not long risen and gave a nice warm glow in the sky, although it didn’t feel warm.

If anything the more tropical plants seemed to collect more snow than the indigenous ones.

Down by the shop along one of the bike stands was a bicycle that looks as if it has been temporarily abandoned. I guess we all have different thresholds for how much snow and ice we are prepared to cycle in and who is to say what is right and what is wrong. I still have a twinge in my shoulder form having fallen of on ice a few weeks back..

At home we have a garden table just outside one of the kitchen windows. The last snowfall left a  layer of snow 10-15cm in height on this table.  This time around the snow looks to be around 2cm in height.

This was the snow level after Saturday night’s snowfall.

I rather like the snow, but can’t say I would really want to live somewhere where there was more snow that we do get in the Flatlands.


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