
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Some Updates: A Swarm in May

These are a few of a series of updates, it seems that just after I get a post out about something or other – bees, the CGB or the Railway station, to name a few it then gets reported in the press. So instead of making a post larger with inconsequential stuff I am going to try another approach and do a few quick posts (with inconsequential stuff!)

Hardly surprising but bees have been in the news. We recently had a swarm in the garden and this morning whilst doing the shopping we bumped into a friend who used to keep bees. He would have been the first choice to take our swarm, but someone who shall be nameless told me they’d stopped keeping bees. Well she oops, that person was wrong. Not only do they keep bees they also take swarms. However they have all the bees they can handle at the moment – so it wasn’t a problem.

A Swarm of bees in May – in our back garden

So in the press there have been references to Bees in Nepal – you need a head for heights and not be worried about getting stung to collect that honey. There has also been the re-introduction of bees that had gone extinct in Britain – short-haired bumblebees. They were last seen in 1998 (in Britain) and now 50 had been released in Kent after being screened for parasites. A further 50 will also be released. They were caught in Sweden.

And a story about bees with a cycling twist – a swarm of bees collected on a cyclists basket in March, Cambridgeshire. These stories aren’t that co-incidental really – this is the time for swarms. Mind you our bee-keeping friend did mention  that there have been loads of swarms in the area this year compared to previous years.  Let’s hope that this means the bees are thriving.

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