
Monday, August 25, 2014

Rain Dodging–not

Friday, 22nd May 2014:It Friday, its 5 to 5, and its Crackerjack, rainy.  Sometimes you have got to take your chances in those May showers especially on a Poets day.  To tell the truth it wasn’t 5 to 5 either it was earlier than that.  The thing is that as well as showers there was sun so I went for a ride.  Here is the Cambridge DTG recorded weather for the day in question. Although for technical reasons the day didn’t seem to start until midday. There was quite a bit of rain around 4pm though!

So I headed out towards Wicken Fen, but with an eye to the weather I went to Burwell first, because that seemed to be to the edge of the rain clouds. I managed to sneak around Wicken and all with barely a splash. Although more by luck than judgement.

Unfortunately as I headed towards Upware  the clouds looked ominous.

Rain clouds over the Fens

My luck ran out as I reached Upware. The rain was so fierce that I sheltered behind one of the Upware pump buildings. It spared me the worst, but I couldn’t hang around all afternoon, so I set off. The wind picked up and lashed through as I plodded on (in the pedalling sense, since I was actually cycling). I could barely see where I was going as I had my hood pulled well down over my eyes and every now and then I would have a peak. It is a good job the roads weren’t busy.

Then the rain started letting up and had practically stopped by White Fen.

Rain Clouds – already passed over White Fen

Rain helps the spuds grow though

I didn’t hang around after that – I didn’t want another heavy shower.

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